In de 19e eeuw was Parijs de hoofdstad van de wereld en de Opera de plek waar je gezien moest worden. Dit prachtige, met marmer en goud beklede gebouw werd gebouwd in opdracht van Napoleon III door de jonge, onbekende architect Charles Garnier en doet nog steeds dienst als Opera en Balletzaal. Bewonder de monumentale trap die de dames in hun mooiste jurken en juwelen beklommen, de gigantische foyer en de sprookjesachtige zaal met het plafond van Chagall…

Dear Opera Garnier team,
We visited the opera last week on Friday afternoon and wanted to pass on personal thanks to our tour guide. I am sorry I do not remember her name but I do know she was a tall lady from the Netherlands with amazing English.
She made this tour so special it was the highlight of our holiday. She was funny, informative, personable, interesting and made the whole place come alive. She is an asset to your team and the tours she does. There was so much to take in and she informed us with such energy, joy and passion for what she was doing that I must say it was the best tour we have ever had in a cultural establishment. You could really tell that she knew everything about the building, cared deeply about what she did & about giving amazing service to the Opera. I’ve never had a tour with such energy and passion.
Please pass on our thanks to the management team she belongs to. I don’t usually write such strong reviews but she is entirely deserving, utterly a fantastic experience.